Sunday, April 25, 2010

Basic Backup and Restore for MS SQL Server 2000

Here is a simple tutorial for backup and restore in SQL Server 2000. This tutorial covers the basic procedures in creating backup and restoring databases. In this tutorial, we will be using Northwind Database as our example since it available on the sample databases of SQL Server


Before we backup our database, we have to create a logical backup device for our database.
On the query analyzer, make the database in use by selecting it on the drop down menu or by executing the code:

Use Northwind

Now we will create our logical backup device. Make sure the path exists when you execute this. If you execute this without errors it means that you are doing right.

EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'NWINDBackup',
--NWINDBackup will be the name of our logical backup drive

After successful execution, you cannot run this code again since it already exists1
Then we will now backup our database with the following code:

As I said(or typed :o)) earlier, you should make sure that the path you created exists2.


Now we will restore are database based on the backup file we have created.
The syntax follows as:
RESTORE DATABASE [your db name]
FROM [logical drive]

1"Honestly, I haven't figured out yet how to alter that logical backup thing but please stay tuned for updates. You can also post some suggestions for this"-jereme

2. Tip: Or at least tell your front end application to create folders if it does not exist.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Opening Another Program in VB.NET

Hey I got this code from the website

Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process
'the location of your program
p.StartInfo.FileName = "K:\Uni\Year 2\Visual Basic\Report\MSDN\Absolute Beginner's Series VB Lesson 1\01 VB Code\Lesson01\HelloWorld.exe" 
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error - " + ex.Message)
End Try

This can be useful in opening other applications (especially Microsoft VB.NET applications). The problems is that there are chances of error especially when the program is missing, or the program has been moved.

As a solution to that problem, I suggest that you would make the separate application relative to your executable file so that
moving the whole project to another location whould not affect the path you specified.
Your file path should look like this.
p.StartInfo.FileName = "Your Program.exe"  'your relative path, no need to include the drive location for portability

Just make sure that the program is located beside the program you are debugging.
You can do this by adding another project as a reference to your main project so that everytime you compile, the executables automatically
proceed to the bin where they would reside as they are executed.
To add a refecence, you can follow these steps:

If the other program (VB Project) is not yet part of the Solution:
1. go to File > Add Existing project
2. Then select the project file of the program you want to link it with.
You will notice in the solution explorer that another project is added.

Now, you can make that program part of the main program by adding it as a reference.
On your solution explorer, right click your main project, Choose Add reference.

As the add reference dialog opens, choose projects then select the project file of the other program.

Add Reference
Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform (Windows.Net)
Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform (Windows.Net)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Query Displayer JAVA Program

As a continuation for my earlier post in JDBC, here is a sample program I got from Java™ How to Program, by H.M. Deitel,

It looks like a query analyzer. You can use this to test the retrieval of data.

You can download the source at:

Just modify the following lines of code on
static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:odbc:NWIND";
static final String USERNAME= "";
static final String PASSWORD= "";

// default query selects all rows from authors table
static final String DEFAULT_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM Products";

For a copy of the ebook Java how to Program, visit
The password is: itspot
(shhh... please don't tell them about this, ok?)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


1. Place this code inside your sub-menu (when clicked under main menu or button if you choose it instead). Make sure you follow the syntax below:

Help.ShowHelp(Me, [url]);
  • Since you use VB as programming language, it should be 'Me' not 'this' because ‘this’ is for C#. By the way, what does it mean is ‘Me’ is your main form which will become the parent of the newly opened help file (in your case, your pdf file).
  • Next parameter is ‘url’. In this type of parameter, it requires you to input the whole directory together with your pdf file.. For example, your help file is sample.pdf located at 'c:\program files\system'. Just add sample.pdf at the end of 'c:\program files\system' which becomes 'c:\program files\system\sample.pdf'.

So the final output of your ShowHelp() method is:

Help.ShowHelp(Me, "c:\program files\system\sample.pdf");

But there is one problem on this method if you install it in your client's computer; there is a possibility that his/her computer’s directories are different from yours. So if that's the case, follow this:

1. Place your sample.pdf file inside your project's bin-->debug folder (and bin-->release folder if there is) found in your project folder.

2. Then change your code into this

Help.ShowHelp(Me, Path.GetFullPath("sample.pdf"))

For example this is your whole code

--> You need to import System.IO at the top of your code, like this
Imports System.IO

  • This tutorial will work only in Microsoft Visual Studio esp. 2008 (not sure in 2003 and 2005 because I used Path class which I don’t know if existing in .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0). 2008 uses .NET 3.5.
  • I notice that chm, doc and pdf files will open once after clicking the button or submenu under main menu while txt will open as many times you click it.

Hope that helps! =) Always here to post useful tutorials for you guys!

JAVA to MySQL Connection(ODBC)

Here we are going to discuss how to connect JAVA to MySQL
For portability and general purposes, we will be using the Open Database Connectivity(ODBC). Connecting to MySQL with the use of Open Database is similar to connecting to MS Access only with some additional steps.
Here's a copy of the database(dump file) I used in this tutorial. Just import it into your mysql. Download

Installing the Driver

1. Download MySQL ODBC Connector. I have a copy for windows users at . Please refer to the link below for more info.(Don't bother the filename if it says noinstall, you're still going to be installing it anyway)

2. Extract the Zip File and Run Install.bat (see, like I told you... although the batch (.bat) file copies the library(.dll) files into your operating system unlike real installers where they involve file extraction)


3. A message will prompt that the instalation (copying of libraries) was successful.

Setting up the Data Source

1. We will now create a Data Source Name(DNS) which will be used as a reference by the program. First go to your control panel then Administrative Tools > Data Sources(ODBC)

control panel

2. The ODBC Data Source Dialog will then appear, select the System DSN tab.


3. Click on the Add button then another Dialog Box containing the Drivers will appear. Select MySQL ODBC Driver then click Finish.


4. Another Dialog Box will appear for the final configuration. Just fill up the neccessary inputs, the Data Source Name that you will be using on the text box. The Server should contain the local server name(you can use localhost or your computer name). Enter the user and password fields, and the database that you will be using as source.


5. When your done, click finish and you will notice that the data source has been added on the list of System Data Sources.


We will now explain the coding for connecting to the database
1. First import the neccessary libraries for Database connection, java.sql:

import java.sql.*;

2. Then instantiate your connection variables
Connection con;
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;

3. On your procedural method, create an exception handler

//Your Code Goes Here
}catch(Exception e){

4.In the try block, insert your connection code, First is the forced loading of the Database Driver in Class.forName() followed by the declaration of objects we instantiated earlier.
//Load the JdbcOdbc Driver

//Specify the Database URL where the DNS will be and the user and password
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:TOY2","root","root");

//Initialize the statement to be used, specify if rows are scrollable
stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
//ResultSet will hold the data retrieved
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Humans");

//Display the results
System.out.println(rs.getInt("ID") + " " + rs.getString("LastName") + " " + rs.getString("FirstName"));

For a full source code listing:
import java.sql.*;

public class ViewingMySQL {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Connection con;
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:TOY2","root","root");

stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Humans");

System.out.println(rs.getInt("ID") + " " + rs.getString("LastName") + " " + rs.getString("FirstName"));
}catch(Exception e){

For more information about MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver, including
installation instructions, please visit;

MySQL and Java Developer's Guide

Friday, April 2, 2010

Programming Solutions by Language

"Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 387 tasks, and covers 225 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.
A variety of tasks are listed, and visitors to this site are invited to solve the tasks in the language of their choice. The tasks cover everything from the mundane Empty Program to the classic Towers of Hanoi, the practical User Input, the mathematically-inclined Lucas-Lehmer test, and the involved yet entertaining RCRPG."

//SnailviN -- Based on one of its labels, this site is just for reference. Please do not rely on it too much because you will not experience the problems and will not learn it by yourself. =3 Hope this helps.